Practice of Internal Auditing
Last Update Feb 15, 2025
Total Questions : 495
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An engagement supervisor reviewed a staff internal auditor's documentation and noted that several edits should be made. The internal audit activity uses an electronic workpaper database and does not maintain paper files for its system of record. A system error prevents the engagement supervisor from adding her electronic signature to any workpaper in the database Given this situation which is the most appropriate response to provide evidence of supervisory review?
Which of the following situations would justify the removal of a finding from the final audit report?
An internal auditor completed a test of 30 randomly selected accounts. For five of the accounts selected, the auditor was unable to find supporting documentation in the normal place of storage. Which of the following next steps would be most appropriate for the internal auditor to take?
Which of the following actions best describes an internal auditor's use of test data to determine whether an organization's new accounts payable system avoids processing questionable invoices for payment?