LEED AP Interior Design + Construction (LEED AP ID+C) V4
Last Update Feb 16, 2025
Total Questions : 100
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In addition to the Material Type, what other information needs to be included in the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Calculation?
A tenant moving into an existing building will need to install new HVAC, power, lighting systems and other equipment.
Which of the following resources would help the tenant meet the requirements of Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Optimize Energy Performance?
A project team is pursuing certification for a medical clinic with 150 full time employees and 250 peak visitors. The project team is considering the Location and Transportation Credit for Bicycle Facilities. Providing which of the following is a minimum requirement to earn the credit?
A tenant implements the following strategies to reduce the amount of water used. Which strategy is applicable to the Water Efficiency Credit, Indoor Water Use Reduction for LEED Interior Design and Construction: Commercial Interiors?