LEED AP Neighborhood Development (LEED ND)
Last Update Feb 8, 2025
Total Questions : 100
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Which of the following is a minimum program requirement of LEED®Neighborhood Development?
A creek tuna through a project site containing adjacent degraded wetlands In order to achieve Smart Location and Linkage Credit. Restoration of Habitat or Wetlands and Water Bodies, the developer Is restoring the wetlands and establishing a conservation easement in collaboration with a state land conservation organization
Once restored, what is the minimum amount of time this area must be protected from development and the minimum amount of time the maintenance be funded?
Project plans call for60 detached single-family homes. 120attached three-story townhomes,and an apartment budding with 100 dwelling units in five stones.Which choice below satisfies the requirements of Neighborhood Pattern and Development Credit Visitability and Universal Design?
What is meant by "connectivity’’as used in the LEED for Neighborhood Development Rating System?