VMware HCI Master Specialist
Last Update Feb 15, 2025
Total Questions : 66
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An 8-Node vSAN Stretched Cluster (4+4+1) with a single disk group has a policy with PFTT=1 (mirrored across sites) and SFTT=1/FTM Mirroring (Local Protection) configured.
The administrator has been alerted that there is a problem with the cluster. The following has been observed:
* The vSAN Witness Host is offline.
* Two disk failures on two hosts have occurred in the preferred site.
This has resulted in a critical production virtual machine’s vmdk becoming inaccessible.
Which step needs to be performed by the administrator to resolve the issue?
Upon checking the latency goal under vSAN performance diagnostics, the vSAN Administrator sees this message displayed:
The increase in latency in the vSAN stack might be beyond expected limits.
Which two root causes can be identified to help remediate the issue? (Choose two.)
An administrator is planning to deploy workloads on a six node vSAN cluster, and all nodes are distributed equally across three racks.
Which action is required to ensure that the workload VMs remain compliant with the default vSAN policy after a complete rack failure?
In a stretched vSAN cluster, how is Read Locality established after fail over to the secondary site?