Advanced Deploy VMware vRealize Automation 8.x (v2)
Last Update Feb 9, 2025
Total Questions : 12
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As the Cloud Administrator for the Saturn Project, you have been tasked to:
1. Create an ABX Action
2. Create a subscription to trigger the action only if the following conditions are met:
a. The Cloud Template is Saturn Ubuntu 18 only.
b The action should fire immediately after the compute resource gets provisioned.
c. The action should trigger only for the current project.
Additional Information required to complete the tasks:
• URL: https://vr-automation.corp.local
• Username: vcapadmin@corp.local
• Password: VMware1!
• Action Name: Saturn-Python-Script
• Python Script Content: "C:\Exam Files\Question 6\Satum Python Script.txt'
• FaaS Provider: On-Prem
• Subscription Name: Execute-Python-Script
As the Cloud Administrator, you have been tasked lo complete the following tasks tor the Pluto Project.
1. Configure the followingon the network nsx-pluto-existing in the network profile called Pluto Networks
a. IPv4 CIDR:
b. IPv4 Gateway:
c Default Domain: corp.local d. Assign a Capability Tag:
• key: net
• value: existing
2. Define a new IP Range on the nsx-pluto-existing network that has the following configuration:
a. Network IP Range Name: pluto-existing-range b IP Range:
3. Assign a new capability tag to the sgPlutoDatabase Security Group:
a. key: sg
b. value: plutodatabase
4. Update the Pluto Networks Network Profile:
a. Ensure it only has the following networks assigned:
i. nsx-pluto-extemal
ii. nsx-pluto-existing
iii. nsx-pluto-outbound b Configure nsx-pluto-outbound as the external network for the network policy c. Assign a new capability tag to the Pluto Networks network profile:
i. key: net ii. value: pluto
As the Cloud Administrator. you have been tasked to troubleshoot and fix errors of an existing cloud template. You must ensure:
1. VM resource uses storage tag:
• Key: storage. Value: gold
2. Network resource uses network tag:
• Key: net
• Value: nsx-routed
3. Configure NSX Network Type: routed
4. A virtual machine can be successfully deployed from the cloud template using the information provided.
NOTE: One or more of the tasks above may take some time to complete For expediency, it is recommended that once the task has started successfully that you continue with the exam and return later to confirm the task has been completed successfully. There are no dependencies between any_questions and therefore the successful completion of this question does no! impact the ability to attempt any_others_guestion in this exam.
NOTE: Not all available tags will appear on the tag selection drop-down when you're editing the cloud template.
Information required to complete the tasks:
• vRealize Automation URL: vr-aulomation.oorp.local
• Cloud Admin Username: vcapadmin@corp.local
• Cloud Admin Password: VMware1!
• Project Name: Earth
• Cloud Template name: Earth-TS-Fix
• Deployment name: Earth-Fixed
• Hostname: earth-fixed
NOTE: Do not create any new profit or tags.