Fundamental Payroll Certification
Last Update Feb 16, 2025
Total Questions : 133
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A superintendent of schools who will be 49 years of age on Dec 31 2020 earns $100,000. his school district has a 403b plan. what is the maximum that he can contribute to this plan before taxes in 2020?
If a state wage and hour law requires that a nonexempt employee be paid an overtime premium when the employee works more than 8 hours in a day and the employee works the following schedule, how many overtime hours must the employee be paid?
An employee earns $1,000 weekly. his deductions are $174 for federal income tax, $62 for social security tax, and $14.50 for medicare tax. He is not supporting another family and has never been in arrears in his child support payments. What is the maximum child support payment that can be withheld from his wages?