AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder - Specialty
Last Update Feb 9, 2025
Total Questions : 65
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A skill contains aPlanMyTripintent configured to require slotsfromCityandtoCity. It contains the
following interaction:
Alexa: What city are you leaving from?
User: I’m leaving from Seattle.
Alexa: You want to fly out of Seattle Tacoma International Airport, right?
User: Yes
Which of the following should the Builder use to confirm the value of thefromCityslot only? (Choose two.)
An Alexa Skill Builder needs to display an image and some additional text to users of a skill.
Which approach will work with any Amazon Alexa enabled device?
According to Amazon Alexa best practices, how should an Alexa Skill Builder prevent unintentional requests
against a skill’s backend when using AWS Lambda?
An Alexa Skill Builder is developing a complex skill to help users purchase items. The Builder has implemented the defaultAMAZON.HelpIntent, but when users ask for help they always reach the same unhelpful result.
How should the Builder enhance the experience to guide the users toward the end goal?