ACA Big Data Certification Exam
Last Update Feb 16, 2025
Total Questions : 78
To help you prepare for the ACA-BigData1 Alibaba Cloud exam, we are offering free ACA-BigData1 Alibaba Cloud exam questions. All you need to do is sign up, provide your details, and prepare with the free ACA-BigData1 practice questions. Once you have done that, you will have access to the entire pool of ACA Big Data Certification Exam ACA-BigData1 test questions which will help you better prepare for the exam. Additionally, you can also find a range of ACA Big Data Certification Exam resources online to help you better understand the topics covered on the exam, such as ACA Big Data Certification Exam ACA-BigData1 video tutorials, blogs, study guides, and more. Additionally, you can also practice with realistic Alibaba Cloud ACA-BigData1 exam simulations and get feedback on your progress. Finally, you can also share your progress with friends and family and get encouragement and support from them.
In a scenario where a large enterprise plans to use MaxCompute to process and analyze its data, tens
of thousands of tables and thousands of tasks are expected for this project, and a project team of 40
members is responsible for the project construction and O&M. From the perspective of engineering,
which of the following can considerably reduce the cost of project construction and management?
Score 2
_______ instances in E-MapReduce are responsible for computing and can quickly add computing
power to a cluster. They can also scale up and down at any time without impacting the operations of the
Score 2
A company originally handled the local data services through the Java programs. The local data have
been migrated to MaxCompute on the cloud, now the data can be accessed through modifying the Java
code and using the Java APIs provided by MaxCompute.
Score 1
A distributed file system like GFS and Hadoop are design to have much larger block(or chunk) size
like 64MB or 128MB, which of the following descriptions are correct? (Number of correct answers: 4)
Score 2