Microsoft Excel (Excel and Excel 2019)
Last Update Feb 9, 2025
Total Questions : 35
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You are updating the sales spreadsheet for an online clothing store.
On the "Quote’’ worksheet move the cells E8:F32 up to correct the alignment by deleting cells E7:F7.
On the ‘’Authors’’ worksheet, in the ‘’Bonus’’ column, use a function to display ‘’500’’ if the ; Books Sold’ is greater than 10,000. Otherwise, display ‘’100’’.
You are revising a sales summary report for Northwind Traders.
On the ‘’Summary’’ worksheet, in cells F4:F11, use conditional formatting to apply the Yellow Fill with Dark Yellow Text format to cells that contain values greater than ‘’$5,000,000.’’
On the ‘’Projections’ worksheet, in the ‘’Quarter2’’ column, enter a formula that multiples the value in the Quarter 1’’ column by the ‘Q2_increase’ named range. Use the range name in the formula instead of a cell reference or value.