NetApp Certified Support Engineer ONTAP Specialist
Last Update Feb 8, 2025
Total Questions : 60
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You are trying to deploy a Connector in the AWS cloud from NetApp Cloud Manager. The deployment fails and shows the message 'Insufficient permissions to deploy Cloud Connector". You have verified the AWS access key and the AWS secret key.
In this scenario, what Is the reason that the deployment failed?
A customer's storage administrator Informs you about the deactivated Automatic Switchover (AUSO) feature on their MetroCluster IP environment.
What Information would you tell your customer in this scenario?
A storage administrator reports that a monitoring toot is reporting that the storage controller reads between 90% to 93% CPU use. You run the sysstat -m command against the node in question.
Referring to the exhibit, which statement is correct?
Your customer Informs you about SnapMlrror problems after upgrading NetApp ONTAP software to a newer version. After investigating the event logs and the SnapMirror history, you see information about delayed updates of the SnapMirror relationships.
How would your customer prevent such problems in the future?