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IMA CMA-Financial-Planning-Performance-and-Analytics Exam Topics, Blueprint and Syllabus

CMA Part 1: Financial Planning - Performance and Analytics Exam

Last Update May 18, 2024
Total Questions : 112

Our CMA Certification CMA-Financial-Planning-Performance-and-Analytics exam questions and answers cover all the topics of the latest CMA Part 1: Financial Planning - Performance and Analytics Exam exam, See the topics listed below. We also provide IMA CMA-Financial-Planning-Performance-and-Analytics exam dumps with accurate exam content to help you prepare for the exam quickly and easily. Additionally, we offer a range of IMA CMA-Financial-Planning-Performance-and-Analytics resources to help you understand the topics covered in the exam, such as CMA Certification video tutorials, CMA-Financial-Planning-Performance-and-Analytics study guides, and CMA-Financial-Planning-Performance-and-Analytics practice exams. With these resources, you can develop a better understanding of the topics covered in the exam and be better prepared for success.


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IMA CMA-Financial-Planning-Performance-and-Analytics Exam Overview :

Exam Name CMA Part 1: Financial Planning - Performance and Analytics Exam
Exam Code CMA-Financial-Planning-Performance-and-Analytics
Actual Exam Duration The duration of the IMA CMA-Financial-Planning-Performance-and-Analytics Exam is 4 hours.
What exam is all about It is likely that the exam covers topics related to financial planning, performance analysis, and analytics. This may include topics such as financial statement analysis, budgeting and forecasting, cost management, risk management, and data analysis. The exam may also test candidates' knowledge of financial planning and analysis tools and techniques, as well as their ability to interpret and communicate financial information effectively.
Passing Score required The passing score for the CMA exam is typically around 360 out of 500 points. It is recommended to check the official IMA website for the most up-to-date information on the passing score for this specific exam.
Competency Level required Based on the information available on the IMA website, the exam is designed for professionals who have a strong understanding of financial planning, analysis, and performance management. Candidates are expected to have a solid foundation in accounting, finance, and economics, as well as experience in financial analysis and decision-making. The exam covers topics such as budgeting, forecasting, financial statement analysis, risk management, and performance measurement. To pass the exam, candidates must demonstrate a high level of competency in these areas and be able to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios.
Questions Format The IMA CMA-Financial-Planning-Performance-and-Analytics exam consists of multiple-choice questions.
Delivery of Exam The IMA CMA-Financial-Planning-Performance-and-Analytics exam is a computer-based exam that is delivered through Prometric testing centers worldwide.
Language offered CMA-Financial-Planning-Performance-and-Analytics Exam. However, based on my understanding of the subject matter, it is likely that the exam would include questions related to financial planning, performance analysis, and data analytics. The language used in the exam would likely be technical and focused on financial terminology and concepts. It may also include mathematical equations and formulas related to financial analysis and planning.
Cost of exam Y It is best to check the official website of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) for the most up-to-date pricing information.
Target Audience The target audience for the IMA CMA-Financial-Planning-Performance-and-Analytics certification includes professionals who are involved in financial planning, analysis, and performance management. This may include financial analysts, budget analysts, financial planners, investment analysts, and other professionals who work in finance and accounting roles. The certification is also suitable for individuals who are interested in advancing their careers in finance and accounting and want to demonstrate their expertise in financial planning, performance, and analytics.
Average Salary in Market According to the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), the average salary for professionals with the CMA certification is around $115,000 per year. However, the salary may vary depending on various factors such as location, industry, experience, and job role. Additionally, the Financial Planning, Performance, and Analytics (FP&A) certification may also impact the salary, but it depends on the job role and industry.
Testing Provider You can visit the official website of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) to register for the exam and access study materials. Additionally, you can also check with authorized training providers or educational institutions that offer courses and training for the CMA exam.
Recommended Experience According to the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), the recommended experience for the CMA-Financial-Planning-Performance-and-Analytics exam includes: 1. A bachelor's degree from an accredited institution 2. Two years of professional experience in management accounting or financial management 3. Completion of the CMA certification program or equivalent 4. Familiarity with financial planning, analysis, and performance management concepts and techniques 5. Knowledge of financial statement analysis, budgeting, forecasting, and variance analysis 6. Proficiency in using financial and accounting software and tools 7. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills 8. Effective communication and interpersonal skills.
Prerequisite To be eligible to take the IMA CMA-Financial-Planning-Performance-and-Analytics exam, candidates must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution or a related professional certification. Additionally, candidates must have at least two years of professional experience in financial planning, analysis, or related fields. Candidates must also be members of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) and have paid the appropriate exam fees.
Retirement (If Applicable) It is best to check with the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) for the latest updates on the exam.
Certification Track (RoadMap): The certification track or roadmap for the IMA CMA-Financial-Planning-Performance-and-Analytics exam includes the following steps: 1. Meet the eligibility requirements: Candidates must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution and two years of relevant work experience or a relevant professional certification. 2. Register for the exam: Candidates must register for the exam and pay the exam fee. 3. Prepare for the exam: Candidates must prepare for the exam by studying the exam content and taking practice exams. 4. Take the exam: Candidates must take the exam at a designated testing center. 5. Pass the exam: Candidates must pass the exam with a score of at least 360 out of 500. 6. Obtain certification: Candidates who pass the exam will receive the IMA CMA-Financial-Planning-Performance-and-Analytics certification. 7. Maintain certification: Certified professionals must maintain their certification by completing continuing education requirements and paying annual dues.
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