SailPoint Certified IdentityIQ Engineer
Last Update Feb 8, 2025
Total Questions : 121
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Match the following IdentitylQ console commands To their functions.
Use the drop-down menus to select your answers. Answer options from the drop-down menus may only be used once Some will not be used at all.
A customer wants to make changes in their IdentitylQ user interface. Consider branding and other IdentitylQ Ul changes. Is this statement valid?
Solution:Primary and secondary colors are set through the IdentitylQ Configuration > Miscellaneous page.
A client needs a custom quicklink, which only managers can launch, in order to launch a simple workflow. Is this a valid step to take during the development of this custom quicklink?
Solution:Place a quicklink object on the workflow that is to be launched
An engineer needs to first create a custom audit event and then set up an associated report. What are four steps to accomplish this goal?